Channel names should reflect their function and origin/ destination queue manager connection flow; use FROMQUEUEMANAGERNAME. 通道名称应该反映它们的功能和源/目标队列管理器连接流;
Click New to create a new destination of type Queue. 单击New创建类型Queue的新目标。
In other words, the JMS provider can assure a message's sender that it was delivered to it's destination ( a queue or topic) once and only once. 换句话说就是,JMS提供者可以向消息的发送方保证将消息发送到目的地(一个队列或主题),并且是一次性发送。
Click New to create a new destination, then select Queue as the destination type, then click Next. 单击New创建一个新目标,选择Queue作为目标类型,然后单击Next。
In the model above, it could be seen that a Destination for example, a Queue is uniquely assigned to a Bus Member. 在上面的模型中,可以看到一个目的地(例如一个队列)唯一地分配给一个总线成员。
If the postcard queue does not exist on your system, you can either create it or change the destination queue to one that already exists. 如果您的系统上没有postcard队列,您可以创建一个postcard队列,或者将目标队列更改为一个已经存在的队列。
Similarly, a message can be sent from within WebSphere ESB/ SIBus to a destination that is really an MQ queue. 类似地,还可以从WebSphereESB/SIBus中将消息发送到实际上是MQ队列的目的地。
This destination might be a topic or a queue, depending on the application's domain. 此目的地可以为主题或队列,具体取决于应用程序的域。
Messages arriving from the adjacent system contain the physical name ( after name resolution) of the destination queue manager and the queue in the transmission header. 来自相邻系统的消息包含目标队列管理器和传输头中队列的物理名称(对名称解析后得到的名称)。
In the bus, we need to create a foreign destination that is a virtual queue in WebSphere MQ. 在总线中,我们需要创建外部目的地,它在WebSphereMQ中是一个虚拟地址。
If the destination queue manager is not available, the messages are not routed to another queue manager in the cluster. 如果目标队列管理器不可用,则消息不会被路由到集群中的另一个队列管理器。
With appropriate permissions, you can PUT messages with a destination of any queue in the cluster; however you can only GET messages from a local instance of a cluster queue. 如果拥有适当的权限,您可以放置(PUT)其目的地为集群中任何队列的消息;但是您只能从集群队列的本地实例获取(GET)消息。
Review your selections and click Finish to create the destination of type Queue. 检查您的选择,然后单击Finish创建类型Queue的目标。
A message is sent from one JMS client ( publisher) to a destination on the server known as a queue. 消息由一个JMS客户机(发布者)发送到服务器上的一个目的地,即一个队列(queue)。
Create a destination of type Queue. 创建一个Queue类型目标。
You now need to configure Tomcat for an ActiveMQ connection factory and destination queue, also in a container-specific manner. 您现在需要为ActiveMQ连接工厂和目标队列配置Tomcat,也是以特定于容器的方式进行配置。
We will use an existing bus named twprocsvr_bus to create a new destination ( queue) where you want to read and write messages. 我们将使用一个名为twprocsvrbus的现有总线来创建一个新目标(队列),以便在其中读写消息。
A more subtle but important implication is that you had to know whether the destination was a queue or a topic at design time. 这里隐含着一个难以察觉但非常重要的要求,在设计时,您必须知道目的地是队列还是主题。
For the import, you only need to modify the address property: place the destination into a predefined WebSphere MQ JMS queue destination, and place the connection factory into a predefined WebSphere MQ JMS connection factory before the application installation. 对于导入,您只需要修改地址属性:在应用程序安装之前,将目的地设置为预定义的WebSphereMQJMS队列目的地,并且将连接工厂设置为预定义的WebSphereMQJMS连接工厂。
The JMS destination type, queue or topic. JMS目的地类型:队列或主题。
The transmission header contains the name of the destination queue ( RemoteQName) and queue manager ( RemoteQMgrName), that is, the addressing information. 传输头包括目标队列名称(RemoteQName)和队列管理器名称(RemoteQMgrName),即寻址信息。
For example, destination type ( queue or topic) can be specified here. 例如,可在这里指定目的类型(队列或主题)。
Sends the message to the destination queue with the optional use of a transaction parameter. 使用可选的事务参数将消息发送到目标队列。
Send a test message from this computer to a specified destination queue. 将测试信息从这台计算机发送到指定的目标队列。
At their final destination, they are stored in a queue until the consumer of the message is ready to retrieve them. 在终点,它们被存储在一个队列中直到消息的接收者准备好接收它们。
Sets/ returns the amount of time allowed to deliver the message to its destination queue. 设定/返回将消息传递到目标队列所允许花费时间。
Sending messages as part of a transaction ensures that the messages are delivered in order, delivered only once, and successfully retrieved from their destination queue. 将消息作为事务的一部分发送确保了消息按顺序传递、只传递一次以及从它们的目标队列成功检索。
You can couple several related messages into a single transaction, ensuring that the messages are delivered in order, delivered only once, and are successfully retrieved from their destination queue. 将多个相关消息耦合为单个事务,确保消息按顺序传递、只传递一次并且可以从它们的目标队列中被成功地检索。
Transactional processing allows you to ensure that the messages in a transaction are delivered in order, are delivered only once, and are successfully retrieved from the destination queue. 利用事务性处理,您可以确保事务中的消息按照顺序传送,只传送一次,并且从目的队列成功地被检索。
When a message is sent to its destination queue, message queuing can be requested to post an acknowledgment message. 将消息发送到它的目标队列时,可以请求消息队列发送一条确认消息。